December 29, 2017

5 ways to keep the kilos off during Christmas

The average Australian gains 0.8-1.5 kg over the Christmas period. While this may not seem like a lot, research has shown that the weight gained during this period is rarely lost. Unfortunately, this means this weight gain often accumulate over the years. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could enjoy all the Christmas festivities without having to worry about the extra kilos? Well, the good news is you sort of can! Here are 5 possible ways you can make the most of Christmas this summer without worrying about the bulge:

  1. Portion control

There is so much food everywhere, whether it is the family gatherings or the work parties. The abundance of food often makes us crave things simply because it is sitting there in front of us. It is important to remind yourself that you are allowed to eat anything and everything you want. So, do not deprive yourself from any of your favourite foods, but remember to keep your portion small.

  1. Pace yourself

At large gatherings and work parties, food often tends to arrive slowly and you often don’t know what’s on the menu. Go slow on the starters because mains and desserts may get even better. If you know you are going to be feasting all day, be selective with your choice. You don’t have to try absolutely everything that’s in front of you. Say yes to your favourite foods and give yourself permission to enjoy those foods slowly.

  1. Practice mindful eating

Mindful eating is about being fully present in your surrounding and eating in a way that allows you to experience food with all your senses (i.e. seeing, tasting, hearing, smelling and feeling). We often tend to eat more when we are with people as we don’t pay as much attention to what we are eating. To save yourself from this situation, take the time to chat to the other guests to slow down your pace.

  1. Plan ahead

Think about what you will be doing during the course of the day and plan your meals accordingly. If you know you will be feasting at a dinner party, make sure to eat a lighter lunch. Most of us feel the need to spoil our guests when are hosting a party. It’s important to remember that all of us are susceptible to sensory-specific satiety which means we are attracted to variety foods that are different in shapes and colours. Remember, to fill your menu with lots of salad and vegetables and consider making smaller sized dessert treats.

  1. Physical activity can do wonders

Fortunately, we have a warmer Christmas in Australia which makes it much easier to go outdoors and be active. We all know the concept of energy in, energy out so, being more physically active during this time will help you burn off the excess energy. Christmas parties tend to be overly well catered so make sure to get in lots of walking throughout the day and some extra workouts, where possible.

Finally, remind yourself that it is okay to indulge a little during the holiday season. Happy holidays!